Penelope Maunder (PENNY)

1970 - 2016

Penny was Sadly taken too soon following a very short battle with cancer. Possibly the bravest woman in Bristol who thought of others before herself. Was a fantastic Mother to Sam & Tom who inherited a lot of Penny's great qualities

20 Happy years together but taken in her prime. Penny was the most caring, thoughtful and inspirational woman you would have ever met. She leaves 2 boys behind who she was proud of and only wanted the best for. She encouraged me and many others to follow there dreams and believe they can achieve anything.


Penelope Maunder (PENNY) Currently raised: £4205 Target: £5000 Donate


Latest comments

Mr Andrew Maunder (2)

02 Sep 2017

Always in our hearts

Mr Andrew Maunder (1)

05 Dec 2016

Fund raising via ebay

Offline Donation

22 Jul 2016

Funeral collection made in memory of Penelope. A lovely gesture at such a sad time. Thank you all so much for your generosity.

Mr G Darby

11 Jul 2016

You will be missed but never forgotten

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