Jane Spicer

1968 - 2008

Jane lived life to the full, always with laughter and a smile. A wonderful mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. To remember and celebrate her life, her family and friends are going to raise funds for the St Peter's 'Room to Care' campaign.

Jane Spicer Currently raised: £40543 Target: £5000 Donate


Latest comments

Offline Donation

10 Jan 2019

An incredible gift from Mr and Mrs Wade in memory of Jane. Thank you.

Mr Darren Spicer

21 Dec 2018

From Jean Spicer

Offline Donation (1)

07 Nov 2018

Very kind donations and sponsorship from Alison, Gayle, Victoria & Darren.

Ms claire filmer (3)

08 Oct 2018

Proceeds from the auctions at the Charity Ball. Thank you to everyone who contributed with prizes and bids x

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