Graham Kilgour

1949 - 2007

St Peter's Hospice cared for my dad after he was diagnosed with cancer. Since he died in 2007 his family and friends have been raising and donating money in his memory so the Hospice can continue to provide this fantastic care for others.

Graham Kilgour Currently raised: £5304 Target: £0 Donate


Latest comments

Offline Donation (13)

24 Feb 2021

Regular DD rec'd on 02/01/2015

Offline Donation

29 Aug 2019

Further donations from Sophie and Elaine, your support is always appreciated.

Offline Donation (1)

23 Jan 2019

Regular gifts from Sophie & Elaine.

Offline Donation (2)

07 Nov 2018

Shop donations for the year from Sophie plus her & Elaine's regular contributions. Thank you both so much.

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