Dedicated to the memory of Colin Walker

1945 - 2023

This site is a tribute to Colin. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Colin was a devoted husband, father, brother, son, uncle, brother-in-law and friend.

He lived a full and happy life, however, he became unwell some years ago with a progressive neurological disease. Although his body slowly failed him, his mind, heart and wit always remained.

St Peter's Hospice were a great support to Colin and his wife Brigid in the final months of his illness, and we will be forever grateful for that.

Thank you reading. With love,

Brigid, Ben, Chloë, Leonie and Joachim Walker

Dedicated to the memory of Colin Walker Currently raised: £62 Target: £0 Donate


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Chloe Walker

29 Dec 2023

Lots of love from Chloë

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