Cold Water Dip

Terms and Conditions

Please carefully read the following terms, conditions and safety information. To take part in the Cold Water Dip you must have read, understood and accepted these conditions.

Safety information about cold water swimming

  • The water at Portishead Open Air Pool is likely to be around 5-10 degrees.

  • If you have an underlying medical condition including, but not limited to, any heart condition, low/high/erratic blood pressure, any respiratory condition or if you are pregnant you should seek medical advice before taking on this challenge.

  • Do not take part on the day if you have a fever or chest infection, or if you have experienced diarrhoea / vomiting within the preceding 48 hours.

  • You need to ensure you are properly fuelled on the day, so please don't skip breakfast, and we strongly advise you not to drink alcohol the night before or on the day of the event. Alcohol lowers your body temperature, slows your reaction times and impairs your judgement. A hangover also makes getting into cold water more difficult.

  • Getting into cold water can cause your body to react with 'cold water shock', which increases your breathing and heart rate as you enter the water. It can lead to a gasp response. Therefore you need to get into the water slowly and never jump in. Swim gently at first to acclimatise.

  • There are risks associated with cold water immersion; these include increased risk of cramp, initial hyperventilation and a spike in blood pressure due to cold water shock, weakness in the limbs and reduced coordination. Any risks will also be reduced by respecting the judgement of the lifeguards and lido volunteers, and following their instructions at all times throughout the experience. If they are at all concerned about you, they will ask you to get out of the water. 

  • Don't push yourself to stay in the water for longer than you are comfortable. This is not a swimming challenge, but instead a short dip and immersion challenge. You'll be able to stay in the water for only a few minutes, but that will certainly be long enough!

  • We strongly recommend you practice before the event, to get yourself ready for the experience. Cold showers can be helpful and Portishead Open Air Pool is open for unheated swimming every Saturday and Sunday morning throughout November.

  • After getting out the water, warm up slowly. Do not go straight into a hot shower. Please bring warm clothing to get changed into after the challenge. 

  • While we at St Peter's Hospice, in conjunction with our partners at Portishead Open Air Pool, take every reasonable step to minimise and manage risk, it cannot be entirely eradicated in an event such as this. We rely on you taking responsibility for yourself, and cooperating with us, to help manage the risks involved.

General event guidance

  • The minimum age to take part in the dip is 16 years old. All participants under 18 must have parental/guardian permission and always be accompanied by an adult within the water. An adult can be responsible for one under 18 only. Children are welcome to come along as spectators and cheer you on though!

  • Medical Information - By registering for this event you confirm you are in good health and physically fit enough to safely take part. You must seek medical advice from your GP if you're in any doubt as to your physical ability to participate in the event. You are responsible for your own medical condition and enter at your own risk. St Peter's Hospice will not accept liability for any injury or loss as a result of your participation, but your statutory rights remain unaffected.

  • You will be required to fill out a medical form on the day of the event - please arrive in enough time to do that. This is compulsory. In the very unlikely event you suffer a medical event and lose consciousness, we need the medical form to pass on to an ambulance crew if that is required. All medical forms will be securely destroyed immediately after the event. Nobody will be reading your medical form unless medical intervention is required.

  • Fancy dress is very much encouraged! However please make sure that your outfit is suitable for the water, avoiding anything elaborate that will become too heavy when wet.

  • You give permission for photos or video footage taken of you to be used in St Peter's Hospice and third party publicity including on social media. If you do not agree, it is your responsibility to let us know so we can make sure to exclude any photos or images of yourself.

  • Your registration fee helps cover the cost of putting on the event and is therefore non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • If necessary, St Peter's Hospice reserves the right to cancel this event at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or unsafe conditions such as lightning on the date of the dip.

If you have any questions about any of the above or about the Cold Water Dip event, please contact Molly at St Peter's Hospice on 01275 391 400 or