
& Breathlessness

Fatigue & Breathlessness Support

We are very pleased to be able to offer Fatigue & Breathlessness support through a 5 week course.

Weekly sessions

  • A weekly, 2-hour, face-to-face group which runs for five weeks.
  • The course is held either at the Hospice in Brentry, or in a community location.
  • Each session includes education and advice on one of the following topics: Goal Setting, Activity and Movement, Energy Conservation, Breathlessness, Sleep & Appetite, along with gentle chair-based exercises and a session of relaxation.
  • Information is given out, covering the topics which are discussed.
  • Participants will be encouraged to set their own goals and join in group discussions.
  • Refreshments will be provided.
  • Once a referral has been received, a member of the Fatigue and Breathlessness team will be in contact to discuss the group further.

What is fatigue and breathlessness?

Fatigue is the feeling of extreme tiredness or exhaustion all or most of the time. It can feel overwhelming and unrelenting and it is often not improved by rest. Breathlessness (sometimes called dyspnoea) is difficult, laboured and uncomfortable breathing. It can be both frightening and overwhelming and may be caused by a combination of physical and psychological factors.

Common features

For some people, the symptoms are very mild and do not interfere much with daily life. For others it can be very disruptive. If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, you will benefit from attending this course.

  • General tiredness and a feeling of having no energy
  • Breathlessness after only minimal exertion
  • Even the smallest chore feels like an enormous challenge
  • Difficulty remembering or making decisions
  • Irritability with family and friends
  • Feelings of panic with shortness of breath
  • Problems with sleep

What previous patients have said

"My confidence has increased."

"It was so nice to meet other people in a similar situation to me."

"I have been able to increase the amount I do but in a controlled way."

"I now use a handheld fan for my breathing, and it is really useful."

"I now feel more in control."

"I feel more relaxed and don't feel guilty in having a rest."

Need to know more?

Please talk to your GP or health professional and discuss a referral to the team if you are not already under the care of the Hospice, otherwise, please talk to your Community Nurse Specialist.

If you'd like to contact us directly about the sessions, please call 0117 915 9469

Additional resources

We've produced a set of pdf and audio files with practical tips and suggestions to help you manage living with fatigue and breathlessness.

Fatigue and Breathlessness resources